Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blog Move!!

Sooo I totally fell in love with wordpress so I have moved my blog!! Sorry for any troubles!! My new blog site is


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The 10th!!!

My doctors appointment went very well, the ultrasound showed that Carly was measuring 31.5 weeks, which matched the 2 weeks ahead on my 20 week even though they technically don't change due dates in the third trimester, they said be prepared for a baby around the 10th of February. This date made us laugh, its quite ironic because for one February 10th is my step brother Mikes Birthday, but not only that we have so many family members and friends that were born on the 10th of a month. My Birthday is the following month March 10th, T.J.s Birthday is August 10th, My sisters Birthday is December 10th one of my bffs is June 10th and like I mentioned before my step brothers is February 10th. So that would be a good day for the little one to come on out!!

Soo technically this thursday (Happy birthday sis..December 10th like mentioned before) We only have 8 weeks left!!! Yikes!! They also have moved my appointments from once every month to every other week...all of this has me very nervous, just because it is happening soooo quickly. They really do grow up soo fast!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Carly is ready for Christmas!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Does pregnancy really change people?

So I have heard through and around the grapevine that I've changed...normally this would upset me a tad, but it doesn't..I mean no s*** my whole life has changed, how would I possibly stay the same?
For those of you who know us (I am not saying just me, cause my husband has of course changed as well) you know that we are a pretty layed back, go with the flow kinda couple. I personally hate confrontation and stress. If you burn your bridge with me, its very hard to build it back. T.j. is Mr. nice guy, he is every ones friend..and he does things for people, even when these people haven't lifted a finger for him in years..and that's what I truly love about him. He is dependable...and will pretty much drop anything to help pretty much anyone.
So apart from priorities my personality has changed, not ALL of it..I'm not saying that ALL of myself has changed..I didn't become a mean, cranky, monster..But what I have noticed is that I care alot less about what other people think, I stand up for myself and speak my mind alot more often, and I'm a stronger person in general..and honestly its been great. If you want to be my friend you can call me, you can write me, I'm not moving mountains to talk to you...quite frankly I'm making a baby, and truly nothing else matters.
T.J. and I have realized many of our true friends through this process (not only this pregnancy, but the pregnancy lose we also encountered this year.) You see, who is truly happy for you and who isn't has become very clear....and the best part is, it doesn't matter. we don't have time for it. We have a baby to worry about now, not who our friends are and who saying what about this and that.
We are however, extremely grateful to have the close friends and family that have been here and they have been great. They are appreciated 100% and quite frankly we could not imagine starting our family without you all.
So yea I guess I have changed, and I like it..If you don't...well it doesn't matter. Of course having a child is going to change people, if it doesn't their may be a problem with you. So to anwser the question "have I changed?" I anwser "yes!!" I grew up...I'm somebody mother now, and that's all that matters.

P.S. I really REALLY love peanut butter m&m's!!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tis the season!!

Thanksgiving has put me in a wonderful pre-holiday season mood. T.J and I enjoyed a great feast with family and friends. I also got to see my step brother and his wife Hilary and we were able to share prego stories and catch up which was nice. My lil' niece will join this world around March 18th!!
I am happy to report that I have been feeling much better and have not gotten sick in days!! (knock on wood) this has put me in a very productive/nesting mood. T.J. and I got our Christmas tree and decorated it on Sunday plus we cleaned the whole house like crazy people on drugs. We also finished our registry's at Babies R Us and Target!!! Check them out!! I have my next prenatal appt. on Monday along with another ultrasound and glucose screening. I will keep you posted!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ahh..A Good Night Sleep!!

So I wanted to update everyone about my post yesterday (which was very hormonal and grumpy..I know) But I was at the end of my rope with it. Yesterday I took a Pepcid AC around 3p.m. I ate dinner at an early 4:30 and had 2 tums before bed and also slept at a pretty steep incline...I SLEPT ALL NIGHT!! I didn't even wake up to pee!! It was sooooo great and much needed. My throat is feeling better and I am now one happy pregnant lady again. Thanks to everyone who offered their support and ideas. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Well Welcome to the Third Trimester!!

**Warning** I want to start off with alittle warning that this post is not written by a happy pregnant lady and may contain alittle bit to much (TMI) Lets just say the third trimester has not welcomed me with loving open arms..and quite frankly I'm pissed about it..mmmkay.

First off...I am sorry for having to switch the blog address. Well, we'll just say an estranged relative was getting a bit out of hand. Hopefully this will be the end of it, and also the last time I will have to switch to a different blog address.

This has been the first week of my third trimester. I have had a new and very VERY uncomfortable symptom arise. It started about 5 days ago, I had a Mexican pizza from taco bell (yeah..I know..I was craving it..and it was wonderful!!) I felt fine and fell sound asleep at 9p.m. I woke up literally choking on vomit..that apparently just crept up and went back down. Which scared the hell out of T.J. and I as I sat at the end of the bed choking and gasping for air. My throat was completely on fire!! I had taken 2 tums before I went to bed, and since it was only 10:30 I was a bit nervous to take 2 more but did anyway. I downed some water to try and put the fire in my throat out and went back to sleep. 11:36 The same dam thing happened except I actually did get sick. I know Your all thinking the same thing we were...the dam Mexican pizza from taco bell. I was now crying my eyes, throat on fire with a very tired husband rubbing my back as I made a new little bed on the couch for myself, thinking that sleeping up right would help. And I slept peaceful the remainder of the night. T.J. and I both brushed it off to the taco bell as I felt fine the next day. We even joked, laughing that Carly must not like taco bell.

To make a long, painful story short...This has been going on EVERY night since!! I have tried not eating anything after 5:00, only eating very bland things, only eating small meals at a time and sleeping sitting up. Nothing has worked, Ive lost weight, Ive lost sleep, Ive lost a bit of mind... so about day three I put a call in to the doctors and talked to a very delightful and helpful nurse (if only you could hear the sarcasm in my voice.) This is how our little convo went.

Me: (I told her what was happening, and also what I have tried to do about it on my own)

Nurse Helpful: Well why don't you try pepcid ac or another heartburn relieve medication.

Me: The one night I took like 6 tums in 2 hrs, I doubt another over the counter medication will work.

Nurse Helpful: You have tried everything else I would recommend trying for relieve.

Me: Sooooo what should I do, cause its not working.

Nurse helpful: Sometimes women with smaller torsos have problems later in pregnancy with this.

Me: hmmm well since I can not really change my genetic makeup, whats plan b?

Nurse helpful: Theirs not much we can do, just monitor your weight and if you start loosing to much call back.

Me: Really that's it

Nurse Helpful: How far along are you?

(um hello you have been on the phone with me for how long really didn't look at my chart?!?!?)

Me: almost 28 weeks

Nurse Helpful: All I can say is welcome to the third trimester

I didn't say anything I just hung up on her.

So I dedicate this post to Nurse Helpful. "Thanks for the welcome_____!" (you can fill the blank in)

So I am pretty much at the end of my rope with this, all I am asking for is one night sleep and some rest for my poor throat which is dieing. So if anyone has any suggestions..I will try pretty much anything.